lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Your future as a midwife/ your favourite piece of technology

Dear all,

So far you have written about your profession, a career-related website, and why you decided to study midwifery. This time, you can choose to write about your future as a midwife or about your favourite piece of technology. You may say:

1. What you think you will be doing when you finish your studies
2. What type of institution you think you will be working for
3. How you think you´ll contribute to the healthcare of mothers, women and babies, etc.

Or, what your favourite piece of technology is
When do you use it?
When did you get it, how?
How often do you use it, why do you like it?
Can you imagine life without it?

Maximum 200 words. Include a picture and comment on 3 classmates' blogs.

Deadline Tuesday 25.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Your career

Dear all,

This time you have to write what makes you feel that your decision to be a midwife is the right one.

You may say:

1. Why you chose to study midwifery

2. Why you think it is the right career for you

3. Is there any person or subject that have had an impact on you in the 1.5 years that you´ve been studying midwifery? If so, how have they made you changed your understanding of what midwifery is?

Deadline Thursday at 14.00. You should write about 250 words and make comments to three of your classmates' blogs.

See you,


lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Career-related website

Dear all,

I´m happy to see that you have all written very interesting posts so far, and comments too. Also, the pictures you have uploaded are vey nice!!

This week you should write about a career-related webiste that you enjoying visiting. Here are the instructions:

1. provide the link

2. describe the website (sections, main characteristics, information provided, pictures, etc.)

3. say how often you visit it

4. explain why you like it

5. would you recommend it to a friend?

Add comments to three of your classmates.

Word count: 180-200

See you soon,